PDF To MP3 Converter Software

Create MP3s from PDFs. Volume, speed of speech and voices can be specified.


This software offers a solution to users who want to convert one or more PDF files into MP3 audio format.

The user chooses the file/s or an entire folder to be processed before starting the conversion. There is a window to display a file in the list to show how it appears to the software. There is an option to convert each PDF to one MP3 or to convert all into one. Volume level and speech rate can be set using a slider and the voice to be used can be chosen from a drop down menu. Using this time saving software, even large numbers of files can be handled with one click.

This program received 2 awards
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Ge777 8 months ago

With all the crap that is out there that claims to be free so they can stick you with the monthy rental price of it these days, this is primitive but does what it says it does so I bought it one time purchase for very inexpensive realtively speaking. I simply wanted something to convert using text recognition to speach just using windows libraries that had already been written to do that. Have used it for years now without having to rely nearly as much on audible.

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